I am writing this at LaBonte park in Corpus Christi. LaBonte is definitely our kind of park--tiny, pretty, and free! (If you are wondering, the yellow blooming tree is a sun-loving Texas native called retama)
We've had another wonderful week in Texas. After LaGrange, we continued southward, eventually grabbing 77, which took us to Victoria.
We got up the next morning to find a visitor! A very large, and very laid back, armadillo was meandering across the grass, hunting for his breakfast. Crockett was intrigued, but also a bit confused. That weird thing waddling through the grass was definitely not a dog.
We pulled out a couple of hours later and headed for yet another Walmart - in Portland. This Walmart also had wildlife - a large and raucous flock of terns had taken over the parking lot.
Quick digression. We're not sure, but we think these are Forrester's Terns, which are pretty common along the coast.
The flock kept us and the cats entertained most of Wednesday afternoon with their antics. We even saw a few squabbles - maybe someone wasn't willing to wait their tern?😄
Thursday, we hopped down the road again, this time to our destination - Southern Oaks, an RV park in Port Aransas. |
It's our first Texas WIT (Winnebago Itasca Travelers) Club rally!
Sorry, another digression. Random shot of some blanket flowers growing at Southern Oaks. Absolutely gorgeous.
The rally ran all weekend and was excellent. The club arranged socials and games,
--including a rather intense game of beanbag baseball. We would've taken pictures, but somehow we got roped into being score keepers. Here - have a picture of Chinese Checkers instead!
Of course, this was a Texas rally, so the tables were groaning with food. The Bluebonnet chapter served a spaghetti dinner on Friday night, which was very, very good. The only downside was the rally was over much too quickly. We said our goodbyes this morning and headed out to Corpus Christi. We'll park for a couple of days at LaBonte, then start moseying up to a place we haven't been in months - Austin!
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