We are currently enjoying a sleepy Sunday afternoon in Rainbow Plantation in Summerdale.
A very sleepy Sunday! In an attempt to get this blog back on track, lets back up to Friday, December 21st.
Amazon Camperforce is done for the year, so we leave Fort Bluegrass and Louisville. After spending a second year here, we are growing attached to this city, with its many funky restaurants and um, interesting driving habits. Always wait a few seconds when the light turns green in this town - just saying!
Our original plan was to follow our route last year, taking a leisurely week-long stroll down down 65 to Alabama but
it turns out its time for The Biker to renew his license in person. Which means we need to drive to Texarkana, first.
So we leave Kentucky then swing west, through Arkansas.
We crate the crew when we drive, so we drive for a few hours then pull over in rest areas and Walmarts to let everybody stretch. Not what we planned for Christmas, but at least we have holiday lights to enjoy - even if its just a beautiful full moon and a whole lot of semi lights!

It's also true gulf state weather - devious and sneaky. A big storm front moves in just hours after this picture is taken. We spend the night in a torential downpour, as high winds rock our RV from side to side.
The next morning, we pack up the crew and check the radar. The storm is heading east and so are we. Sigh. It can be dangerous to drive a high profile vehicle like ours in high winds, so we decide we will just drive until we reach the storm's edge - and then pull over.
Eventually the storm stalls out over Missippi. We have no choice but to pull over at a truck stop in Louisiana and wait it out. 

only to discover that there are road closures ahead! The storm has dumped so much rain, bridges are underwater. We talk to a very nice Department of Traffic person who is directing traffic and she tells us our best bet is to detour an hour or so north.

We aren't exactly happy about this, but we check Allstays and the detour will send us toward the Alabama Welcome Center in Cuba. We change plans (again!) and decide to head to the Welcome Center, where we can either wait out the storm or push through.

Of course, when we arrive, the radar shows the storm is just passing through Gulf Shore. We asphalt camp for the night, waiting once again for the durn storm to move along. At least this is a really pretty Welcome Center!

We make it to Gulf Shores late Saturday afternoon. The ground is incredibly soggy from the storm, so we park and resign ourselves to having to level out again when things dry out. At least we made it safe and sound!
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